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Pico Creek Surf Spot

Looking for a spot with clean water, favorable wind, a wide swell window and plenty of rideable wave faces? Pico Creek in San Simeon may be just what you’re looking for. It is located at the north end of San Simeon, just stair steps away from a long sandy beach with a reef break that allows a smooth ride no matter the conditions. Looking for an insider tip? Perhaps a less congested, hidden gem at the south end of town might appeal. This spot offers easy access if you park on Vista Del Mar and take a short walk on the bluff trail to a crevice leading down towards the sandy beach. You can find the beach at its widest point to the right, but there are plenty of rocks to explore to the south as well. The beach is narrow along this stretch, but the irregular shoreline and rocks in the surf make for an enjoyable ride with less congestion.

